Tag: EssentialOil

Showing all 5 results

  • Frankincense Essential Oil

    0 out of 5


    Scientific name: Boswellia Neglecta

    Frankincense oil can be used:

    • To enhance general well-being and reduce stress levels in individuals
    • In the preparations of perfumes or as an essential oil in aromatherapy.
    • In strengthening skin elasticity and reducing blemishes on the skin
    • To alleviate headaches, anxiety and fatigue
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  • Mint Essential Oil [15ml]

    0 out of 5

    Why Mint Essential Oil?

    The coolness on your skin, and on your scalp..oh so divine!
    Essential Oil promotes good blood circulation, and boosts toxin

    When you apply it on your scalp, it promotes growth, and protects the
    scalp from infection, fungi, and keep the scalp cool and healthy.
    because of its menthol content, mint Essential oil has a relaxing and
    cooling effect on the nerves and muscles and helps to relax contractions
    in the case of spasms, so try it in a diffuser for aromatherapy.

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  • Myrrh Essential Oil

    0 out of 5


    Scientific name: Commiphora Myrrha

    Benefits and uses of Myrrh Oil:

    To treat a wide range of dental problems such as bad breath, mouth sours and bleeding gums
    In the treatment of coughs, colds
    To make oils used in aromatherapy and spa treatments
    To treat infected wounds and a wide range of skin infections and irritations

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  • Myrrh Resin Gum

    0 out of 5


    Scientific name: Commiphora myrrha

    Myrrh is natural resin gum that is extracted from specific thorny, acacia trees
    The gum is yellowish and may be either clear or opaque. It darkens deeply as it ages, and white streaks emerge.

    Please note the price is per Kilogram (Kg)

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  • Vanilla Essential Oil [15ml]

    0 out of 5

    Why Vanilla Essential Oil?

    The vanilla flower (which is a beautiful,
    yellow orchid-looking flower) produces a fruit, but it only lasts for
    one day so growers have to inspect the flowers daily.

    The fruit is a
    seed capsule that when left on the plant ripens and opens. As it dries,
    the compounds crystallize, releasing its distinctive vanilla smell.
    Beautiful, huh?
    Vanilla essential Oil is used for its therapeutic properties;
    It is used in perfumery for its sweet fragrance to produce comfort, euphoria and relaxation.
    The oil’s scent will give you an out-of-the-body experience.
    it for your hair, try it for your skin, and best of all? Use it for

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